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  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA earned the badges achievement: Join a Group 4 years ago

    Join a Group

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Member News 8 years ago

    Do you think the Trump Administration will delay, alter, or repeal the DOL’s “Conflict-of-Interest” (a.k.a., “Fiduciary”) Rule? Will this have any impact and fiduciary awareness in the marketplace? Who do you think will win the ultimate the advertising battle and why?

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted a new activity comment 9 years ago

    Hi Skip! Thanks for adding your profile pic. I’m sending you an email. Make sure to read it before Wednesday.

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted a new activity comment 9 years ago

    Hi Joe!

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Member News 9 years ago

    Welcome to the Member News discussion group! Check this group regularly as we reveal new benefits you can earn and use through TheThoughtLeaderExpress. The first scheduled update is Wednesday, December 9, 2015. That’s when the real fun begins!

  • Welcome to the Must Read Blogs! discussion group. Here’s this week’s FiduciaryNews.com blog of the week from Nevin Adams’ Data “Points” personal blog site:
    [bpfb_link url=’http://plansponsorinstitute.blogspot.com/2015/11/5-reasons-why-more-plans-dont-offer.html’ title=’Data "Points": 5 Reasons Why More Plans Don’t Offer Retirement Income O…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years ago

    What are your favorite 401k plan design elements? And why do you feel they are important to retirement savers
    [bpfb_link url=’http://www.benefitspro.com/2015/12/01/make-401ks-a-perfect-gift-for-employees’ title=’Make 401(k)s a perfect gift for employees | BenefitsPro’…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years ago

    Have you noticed the little irony behind the DOL’s sudden push for state-sponsored retirement plans? Or is it hypocrisy? What do you think?
    [bpfb_link url=’http://fiduciarynews.com/2015/12/state-sponsored-private-employee-retirement-plans-first-step-towards-nationalized-retirement/’ title=’
    State-Sponsored Private Employee Retirement Plans…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years ago

    Is it far for the government to offer a retirement product not in the sole interest of retirement savers? Especially since they’re on the record of exposing industry players who do the opposite. Well, this is reminiscent of that age old question: Who regulates the regulators?
    [bpfb_link…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years ago

    Do you share Ron Rhoades concerns about a weakened fiduciary standard? Ron has plenty more to say in this interview. Check it out and then share what you think.
    [bpfb_link url=’http://fiduciarynews.com/2015/11/exclusive-interview-ron-rhoades-threatens-to-oppose-any-weakening-of-fiduciary-standard/’ title=’
    Exclusive Interview: Ron Rhoades…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years ago

    Are 401k advisors prepared for how the new DOL Fiduciary Rule will impact… recordkeepers? No one’s been talking about this. Is it time we should?
    [bpfb_link url=’http://fiduciarynews.com/2015/11/will-new-dol-rule-contain-fiduciary-surprise-for-401k-recordkeepers/’ title=’
    Will New DOL Rule Contain Fiduciary Surprise for 401k Recordkeepers? |…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years ago

    A fiduciary standard for colleges? What do you think? Will that begin to solve the college debt issue? Will it help parents? Will it lower tuition? Will it stop encouraging colleges to accept students who they shouldn’t?
    [bpfb_link url=’http://www.benefitspro.com/2015/11/06/should-colleges-be-held-to-a-fiduciary-standard?page_all=1′ title=’Should…[Read more]

  • Paying off college debt and saving for retirement at the same time – what’s the most unusual tactic you’ve seen? Many believe it can’t be done, but many more are doing it every day. We aren’t looking for the tried and true methods here, we’re looking for the really outlandish (but entertaining, and, yes, successful) stories, like the ones…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Communication 9 years ago

    What advice would you give young employees about saving for retirement? Here’s the wisdom of four successful retirees. They aren’t financial service professionals, they’re just regular folk. Although we see them living comfortably in retirement, they admit they made mistakes, mistakes they wouldn’t have made if they knew these seven tips when they…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years ago

    After reading this article, has your stance on the DOL’s proposed Fiduciary Rule changed? The more and more I talk to people, traditional fiduciary advocates are having seconds thoughts on the DOL proposals and the brokers are,… well, let’s just say they continue to ask for more.
    [bpfb_link…[Read more]

  • Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Investments 9 years ago

    Are Target Date Funds a violation of one’s fiduciary duty? If you think about the origins of fiduciary duty (namely, how it evolved via trust law), we see a mandate requiring fiduciaries to only takes actions that are in the best interests of the individual beneficiaries. This year’s Tamar Frankel Prize Winner David Swensen has penned two books…[Read more]

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