Fiduciary News

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5 Retirement Questions You Need To Answer

    5 Retirement Questions You Need To Answer

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$4.3 Million Or $1.27 Million? What’s The Point Of Scary Retirement Projection Numbers?

    $4.3 Million Or $1.27 Million? What’s The Point Of Scary Retirement Projection Numbers?

The twist is this: The bad news is only a fraction of the people will be able to save $4.3 million for retirement because the average salary is too low. The good news is most people won’t need to save $4.3 million because, thanks to living on a low average salary, they are accustomed to spending far less.

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How 20-Year-Olds Invested Over The Generations Reveals Key Fiduciary Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors

    How 20-Year-Olds Invested Over The Generations Reveals Key Fiduciary Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors

It might suit 401k plan sponsors and fiduciaries to tell this story of the generations to help the next generation avoid the mistakes of past generations. This tale provides many good tips about the dangers of investing in extremes, be they too conservative or too aggressive.

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How Might Employers Help Retiring Employees Learn To Earn Extra Income Post-Retirement?

    How Might Employers Help Retiring Employees Learn To Earn Extra Income Post-Retirement?

While retirees and near-retirees may be considering starting a small side business, many don’t have any entrepreneurial experience. How might they find answers to the questions they have?

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10 Questions Those 50+ Are Asking Right Now About Their 401k Retirement Savings Account

    10 Questions Those 50+ Are Asking Right Now About Their 401k Retirement Savings Account

If you’re over fifty, that gold watch gleams closer and closer. You start thinking. You start wondering. You start asking questions.

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Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Plan Participants

    Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Plan Participants

To address this requires employers to do more than having a periodic “employee education” meeting. While these can help (see the previous article), more need to be done. Plan sponsors need to consider how they (and, more importantly, their service providers) deliver messages to plan participants.

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Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Education Providers

    Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Education Providers

Not only does the typical plan sponsor not have investing in employee education as a high priority, but they also likely don’t have the wherewithal to monitor the consistency of how the provider runs the education program.

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How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Help Retired Employees Fight Inflation – And Should They?

    How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Help Retired Employees Fight Inflation – And Should They?

Retirees should think for themselves and what alternatives they have regarding their retirement assets. These aren’t the same as they were when they were working.

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How Should Pre-Retirees Define ‘Comfortable’ Retirement?

    How Should Pre-Retirees Define ‘Comfortable’ Retirement?

Those who work with retirees and people saving for retirement often have the best perspective when it comes to guidance pertaining to what is comfortable and what is not. It begins with a very simple definition.

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Why Aren’t 401k Plan Participants Getting What They Ask For?

    Why Aren’t 401k Plan Participants Getting What They Ask For?

More sophisticated plan participants who can afford to hire their own adviser. They don’t ask more from the plan. They ask for less, in hopes of gaining more control over their own destiny. For a variety of reasons, this isn’t as easy as some participants would like it to be.

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