You can squeeze a tube of toothpaste all you want, but that doesn’t change how much toothpaste it holds. Are we experiencing the same thing with 401k fees, or are they really dropping as much as we think? And, if they are dropping, are they dropping for the right reasons?
Tag "12b-1"

Thoughtleaders with the veteran experience to sift through the noise and separate the wheat of solid trends from the chaff of tiresome fads. Accurately discerning between the two can mean the difference between long-term sustainability and irretrievably sunk costs.

Second thoughts on the new MEP, a growing (fiduciary) consensus, and the return of a Halloween (fee) nightmare.

The controversial and decidedly partisan report not only took aim at the policies of the current administration, it entered into the passive/active debate by solely targeting actively managed funds. Worse, the report reveals a rather naïve understanding of mutual funds and investing.

It will be important for 401k plan sponsors to get down and dirty when it comes to understanding the fiduciary liability implications of “clean” shares and their equivalent. Furthermore, since the most successful class action suits have involved different share classes of the same fund, you can be sure the introduction of “clean” shares will catch the eyes of your not-so-friendly neighborhood class action attorney.

Bad Things, moving Fiduciary goal posts back, and fees that matter. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/14/18
State-Sponsored retirement plans a path to privatizing Social Security? Can a good fiduciary make a bad decision? Is this the beginning of the end of 12b-1 fees?