Fiduciary News

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7 Concerns on the Forefront of 401k Plan Sponsors’ Minds Right Now

    7 Concerns on the Forefront of 401k Plan Sponsors’ Minds Right Now

What if you were told the best way to calm your nerves was to be worried? Here are 7 reasons why this might be true.

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When Must a Fiduciary Say “No” to No-Fee Funds?

    When Must a Fiduciary Say “No” to No-Fee Funds?

Still, others remain cautious, especially given the novelty of the idea and the fact it remains untested.

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What Every Company 401k Plan Fiduciary Needs to Know about MEPs

    What Every Company 401k Plan Fiduciary Needs to Know about MEPs

As we approach clarity with regards to Congressional action and/or implementation of the Trump Executive Order, we may find need to expand these MEP guidelines. Until then, though, companies in business associations where commonality exists may wish to use these ground rules when determining if a 401k MEP is the right course to take.

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7 Rules Every Professional Fiduciary Must Follow

    7 Rules Every Professional Fiduciary Must Follow

These may not be the only rules, but they rank up there as among the most practical for fiduciaries and, in some cases, for any other professional.

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5 Examples of Self-Dealing Transactions that are Prohibited as a Result of Fiduciary Duty

    5 Examples of Self-Dealing Transactions that are Prohibited as a Result of Fiduciary Duty

While the fiduciary should be fairly compensated, the fiduciary is prohibited from engaging in activities that might increase that compensation to the detriment of the interests of the beneficiary. Such activities represent the definition of a self-dealing transactions. Here are some examples of self-dealing transactions that, if executed, will likely result in a fiduciary breach.

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Must Read for the Summer: Top Fiduciary Questions 401k Plan Sponsors Must Ask (But Sometimes Don’t)

    Must Read for the Summer: Top Fiduciary Questions 401k Plan Sponsors Must Ask (But Sometimes Don’t)

Would you rather have the nuts and bolts practical guide for what to ask or the theoretical questions that tend towards the philosophical? Most 401k plan sponsors are too busy for theory, that’s why they’ll prefer to focus on these questions.

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What Plan Sponsors Must Do To Avoid Fiduciary Liability From These 3 Common Fee Blunders

    What Plan Sponsors Must Do To Avoid Fiduciary Liability From These 3 Common Fee Blunders

Plan sponsors shouldn’t let these three common fee foibles expose them to unnecessary fiduciary liability.

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How Financial Pros Teach Their Own Kids About Money

    How Financial Pros Teach Their Own Kids About Money

Think about it. Newborn babies keep their parents up all night. Knowing your adult child has a sizeable nest egg means being able to sleep soundly. And chances are you’ll spend your waking hours with less stress, too. Teaching your children to save early for retirement can achieve this healthy (and wealthy) goal. There’s no reason why financial professionals should be the only parents who know this little secret.

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Much Ado About Nothing Saved for Retirement? Why Social Security Alone May Be Enough

    Much Ado About Nothing Saved for Retirement? Why Social Security Alone May Be Enough

In the final analysis, though many Americans would find it difficult or impossible to be happy with their retirement income being limited to Social Security, a sizable group of other Americans can and do live their retirement with Social Security as their sole income source.

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How Can Fiduciaries Use New Tax Cuts to Nudge 401k and IRA Retirement Savers?

    How Can Fiduciaries Use New Tax Cuts to Nudge 401k and IRA Retirement Savers?

There’s a chance for savers to increase the odds they’ll retire in comfort thanks to the 2017 tax law. Here’s how, but the window of opportunity will close fast.

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