Fiduciary News

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Tag "IRA"

Exclusive Interview: Jerry Schlichter Says 401k Plan Sponsors Should ‘Peel The Onion’ On Fees

    Exclusive Interview: Jerry Schlichter Says 401k Plan Sponsors Should ‘Peel The Onion’ On Fees

“Industry participants also argue that the rule transforms one-off transactions into fiduciary relationships in violation of the common law, but the common law of the states is divided on this, and there is a need for a federal standard regulating investment advice fiduciaries.”

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The Impact Of New Fiduciary Rule On 401k Plan Sponsors

    The Impact Of New Fiduciary Rule On 401k Plan Sponsors

Here’s where the greatest controversy of the new Rule, as with its predecessors, comes to a head.

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The Irony Of Taxing 401k Plans To Save Social Security

    The Irony Of Taxing 401k Plans To Save Social Security

Worse, if the “alternatives” alluded to by the paper entail government backed programs like Social Security, this could have a debilitating impact on encouraging people to be responsible for funding their own retirement.

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Plan Sponsor Worries About 401k To IRA Direct Transfers

    Plan Sponsor Worries About 401k To IRA Direct Transfers

The process of transferring assets is not without its own liabilities. The exact nature of the fiduciary risk depends on the nature of the transfer.

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Will These Be The Biggest 401k Fiduciary Stories In 2024?

    Will These Be The Biggest 401k Fiduciary Stories In 2024?

If you have any experience in the retirement plan business, some predictions just write themselves. As in “an incredible feeling of déjà vu.”

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What’s The ‘Over/Under’ On The DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule?

    What’s The ‘Over/Under’ On The DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule?

Between the IRA Rollover matter and the redefinition of “regular services,” there is no shortage of ways to chip away at the new Rule. What might be one way we can expect to see the industry attack the Rule in front of a judge?

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How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Increase The Number Of Employees Who Participate?

    How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Increase The Number Of Employees Who Participate?

How strong an argument is there for auto-enrollment? Remember, the key feature of the 2006 Pension Protection Act was to encourage auto-enrollment. The SECURE Act has even stronger language.

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Five Forlorn 401k Flops To Forever Forsake

    Five Forlorn 401k Flops To Forever Forsake

This week is all about those wayward 401k features that are well beyond their expiration date. Careful, though. In the process, you’ll see what’s garbage to one is a work of art to another.

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Does Retirement Saving Trump Tax Savings Among 401k Participants?

    Does Retirement Saving Trump Tax Savings Among 401k Participants?

Here’s the irony of the tax saving incentive. If it’s wildly successful and leads to very large retirement accounts, the required minimum distributions at retirement may place the now retired employee in a higher tax bracket than the one experienced while working.

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Deemed IRAs—Did SECURE Act 2.0 Kill Them or Give Them a Boost?

    Deemed IRAs—Did SECURE Act 2.0 Kill Them or Give Them a Boost?

It’s critical that plan sponsors consult with compliance professionals before adding the Deemed IRA feature.

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