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Tag "IRS"

What 401k Plan Sponsors Should Do About ‘Lost’ Participants

    What 401k Plan Sponsors Should Do About ‘Lost’ Participants

The DOL’s guidance on missing plan participants appears just as effective as its week 2012 Mutual Fund Fee Disclosure Rule. Yes, it’s there, but it has no viability. Still, that doesn’t mean 401k plan sponsors can ignore the issue, even if they have not lost participants.

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Five Favorite 401k Features We Can’t Live Without

    Five Favorite 401k Features We Can’t Live Without

This week we’ll be focusing on those favorite features as judged by the retirement plan professionals we interviewed. Don’t be surprised if over the next few weeks you discover that one provider’s treasure is another provider’s trash.

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Does Retirement Saving Trump Tax Savings Among 401k Participants?

    Does Retirement Saving Trump Tax Savings Among 401k Participants?

Here’s the irony of the tax saving incentive. If it’s wildly successful and leads to very large retirement accounts, the required minimum distributions at retirement may place the now retired employee in a higher tax bracket than the one experienced while working.

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Deemed IRAs—Did SECURE Act 2.0 Kill Them or Give Them a Boost?

    Deemed IRAs—Did SECURE Act 2.0 Kill Them or Give Them a Boost?

It’s critical that plan sponsors consult with compliance professionals before adding the Deemed IRA feature.

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Should 401k Loans Be Allowed, Encouraged, Or Forbidden? A Fiduciary Perspective

    Should 401k Loans Be Allowed, Encouraged, Or Forbidden? A Fiduciary Perspective

Before you get all excited and look to replace your home equity loan with a 401k loan, you should consider these things.

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Fiduciary Challenges For Merging 401k Plans

    Fiduciary Challenges For Merging 401k Plans

If you’re a fiduciary of the acquiring plan, you want to make sure you’re not burdened with any unknown liabilities. If you’re a fiduciary of the acquired plan, you want to make sure the merger process doesn’t introduce new liabilities.

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Questions 401k Plan Sponsors Are Too Busy To Ask

    Questions 401k Plan Sponsors Are Too Busy To Ask

Here’s something you don’t always see, but maybe you should.

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How to Address Top Fiduciary Issues for Trade Associations Sponsoring 401k MEPs

    How to Address Top Fiduciary Issues for Trade Associations Sponsoring 401k MEPs

It appears all but certain the floodgates will soon open wide, unleashing a torrent of trade association sponsored 401k MEPs. If you’re looking for the trigger that will open those floodgates, here’s what you should be paying attention to.

0 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/24/19 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/24/19

SECURE Act recap, BI coming, and ESG sizzling.

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