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Tag "target date fund"

Does The New Fiduciary Rule Really ‘Level The Playing Field’?

    Does The New Fiduciary Rule Really ‘Level The Playing Field’?

For all the good intentions, however, what will happen when the rubber finally meets the road? Will the new DOL Fiduciary Rule really level the playing field?

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Will These Be The Biggest 401k Fiduciary Stories In 2024?

    Will These Be The Biggest 401k Fiduciary Stories In 2024?

If you have any experience in the retirement plan business, some predictions just write themselves. As in “an incredible feeling of déjà vu.”

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Extreme 401k Makeover: Here’s Why DC Guaranteed Income Is A Pipedream

    Extreme 401k Makeover: Here’s Why DC Guaranteed Income Is A Pipedream

So what if a few very high net savers end up with bigger retirement plans? Good for them. The point is to make it easier for more people to save more.

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401k Experts Believe These Are The Most Critical Fiduciary Priorities

    401k Experts Believe These Are The Most Critical Fiduciary Priorities

Not only do you need to watch the place that holds all the money, you need to watch the pipeline that feeds the money there.

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How 20-Year-Olds Invested Over The Generations Reveals Key Fiduciary Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors

    How 20-Year-Olds Invested Over The Generations Reveals Key Fiduciary Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors

It might suit 401k plan sponsors and fiduciaries to tell this story of the generations to help the next generation avoid the mistakes of past generations. This tale provides many good tips about the dangers of investing in extremes, be they too conservative or too aggressive.

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Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb For The 401k Fiduciary?

    Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb For The 401k Fiduciary?

There might be a there, there. It could be that TDFs have an Achilles’ Heel that leaves them vulnerable.

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Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Recordkeepers

    Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Recordkeepers

Nobody’s perfect. It’s unfair to expect recordkeepers to be. Everyone makes mistakes—even recordkeepers. The problem is what happens when a mistake occurs.

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After Supreme Court Ruling, Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb Of Fiduciary Liability?

    After Supreme Court Ruling, Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb Of Fiduciary Liability?

The conflicts-of-interest inherent in selecting proprietary funds are apparent. Less so are the criteria used to determine what a suitable process might be.

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How Does Embedding Retirement Income Into A Target Date Fund Work?

    How Does Embedding Retirement Income Into A Target Date Fund Work?

It’s not just plan sponsors and plan participants that need convincing. The entire retirement plan infrastructure must also get on board. That doesn’t mean the hurdles can’t be overcome.

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