Fiduciary News

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Tag "Roth"

Five Favorite 401k Features We Can’t Live Without

    Five Favorite 401k Features We Can’t Live Without

This week we’ll be focusing on those favorite features as judged by the retirement plan professionals we interviewed. Don’t be surprised if over the next few weeks you discover that one provider’s treasure is another provider’s trash.

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Does Retirement Saving Trump Tax Savings Among 401k Participants?

    Does Retirement Saving Trump Tax Savings Among 401k Participants?

Here’s the irony of the tax saving incentive. If it’s wildly successful and leads to very large retirement accounts, the required minimum distributions at retirement may place the now retired employee in a higher tax bracket than the one experienced while working.

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5 Uncommon 401k Plan Sponsor Mistakes That Shouldn’t Ever Happen

    5 Uncommon 401k Plan Sponsor Mistakes That Shouldn’t Ever Happen

A few years ago, this might have been classified as a common “mistake.” Again, “mistake” is in quotes because this is less an issue for certain plans (usually small firms or particular industries) than others.

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Exclusive Interview: Larry Starr Explains “Galactically Stupid,” 3% Math, and More!

    Exclusive Interview: Larry Starr Explains “Galactically Stupid,” 3% Math, and More!

Interested to know why small plans are different? What the dumbest retirement idea in the past 10 years was? What the most successful concept was? Read all about it in this article.

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The Top 5 Tactics 401k Plan Sponsors Are Failing To Take Full Advantage Of Right Now

    The Top 5 Tactics 401k Plan Sponsors Are Failing To Take Full Advantage Of Right Now

Plan sponsors can benefit from motivated employees, and the 401k plan is a tool to achieve this motivation. What precisely can plan sponsors offer in addition to the usual company match to make their 401k plan more enticing, more attractive, more motivating?

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3 Plan Design Updates 401k Plan Sponsors Should Make To Older 401k Plan Documents To Better Account For Today’s Circumstances

    3 Plan Design Updates 401k Plan Sponsors Should Make To Older 401k Plan Documents To Better Account For Today’s Circumstances

It’s not as if this “surprisingly secret” formula has run its course. The equation is so timeless, so simple, that it continues to work for those who have the disciple to follow its rules. Still, can today’s workers see this work for them?

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What Ben Franklin Might Say About the Long Term after the SECURE Act

    What Ben Franklin Might Say About the Long Term after the SECURE Act

Today, directly or indirectly (“back door”), every wage earner can contribute to a Roth IRA. So, to benefit your (great)(grand)child through “long term investing”, you might consider funding a Roth IRA and/or Roth 401k.

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Tax Law Fallout Yields These Five Fiduciary Facts For Retirement Savings

    Tax Law Fallout Yields These Five Fiduciary Facts For Retirement Savings

With the final dust comfortably settling on this year’s tax season, we can know begin to put together the pieces of this new reality that may have plan sponsors and their service providers rethinking their long-held strategies.

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/19/19 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/19/19

Retirement policy potpourri, New Jersey fiduciary, and the investment gamut.

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/12/19 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/12/19

Tangled compliance, a broken fiduciary record, and irrational fees.

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