Fiduciary News

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What They’re Saying About Us

It’s not like we’re running under the radar on purpose, but every now and then something sneaks through before we can catch it. And we’d like to thank these folks for their kind words! Here are just a few of the ones we’ve found. (We admit it, we don’t actively search for these things, and the authors usually find a way to let us know what they’re saying about us.)

A Few Examples of Some of the Kind Words We’ve Received:

“Chris Carosa and @fiduciarynews delivers a steady flow of solid information. Consistent account that is no BS! One of my favorites.”
– J.D. Carlson, “6 Ways 2 Be a Stronger Plan Advisor,A NEW WAY TO FOUR01K

“I used to be a fan, back in the old days when The New Republic was actually meaningful and influential, of its zeitgeist table, as it really did, in a glance, sum up what people were thinking and talking about, albeit in a humorous way. I couldn’t help but think of that this morning when I read Chris Carosa’s “FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors:.” Its like a college survey course on one page of what everyone in the retirement industry either is or should be thinking about right now, from the costs of plans to fee disclosure to the coming tax wallop you are going to suffer to fix the public pension system to the misinformation, non-disclosure and outright confusion rampant in the knowledge base of plan sponsors and participants.”
– Stephen Rosenberg, “The Zeitgeist of Chris Carosa,” Boston ERISA & Insurance Litigation Blog

“I enjoy reading articles in and they help me because…”

  • “…I enjoy Chris Carosa’s perspective and writings. I think Chris should write even more vs. outside influencers.”
  • “… provides an alternative voice and platform for the retirement plan industry.”
  • “…the articles relate to what I do in my business.”
  •  “…their insight may be unique.”
  • “…they have broader application to business and any advisory practice.”
  • “…they cover a number of different topics in good detail.”
  •  “…of their perspectives on what is happening, especially in DC space.”
  • “…the coverage is relatively unbiased providing selected expert and industry opinions for consideration. The many article and document links are appreciated too.”
  • “…I can quickly scan through a list of articles to find those that appear to be most meaningful to me.”
  • “…I like to know what the issues are.”
  • “…they make me think.”
  •  “…they address current topics as well as less well-known topics or a different take on a topic.”
  • “…they provide me an easily accessible source of fiduciary thinking and practice; a differentiator for the practitioner to remain relevant and informed,”
  • “…I am better informed.”
  • “…they provide me additional retirement related news.”
  • “…there is always something in the materials regarding retirement savings or financial wellness that I had not seen previously.”
  • “…they keep us abreast of fiduciary issues and helps keeps us ethical.”
  • “…they are informative and reliable.” is sponsored by…

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