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Tag "Modern Portfolio Theory"

What Is The Best Way A Fiduciary Can Define Risk In A Way That Is Measurable, Meaningful, And Relevant?

    What Is The Best Way A Fiduciary Can Define Risk In A Way That Is Measurable, Meaningful, And Relevant?

For all the talk of risk in the academic world, it’s the real world that provides the best answer to what risk really is and how to avoid it. How do your thoughts on this compare with others?

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Where Did We Go Wrong With Risk?

    Where Did We Go Wrong With Risk?

This elegance earned a Nobel Prize for several smart professors. You must forgive them, though, for they had a far limited toolkit to work from. Still, this was the original source from which “risk” sprang.

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The Road to Vainglory: How Modern Portfolio Theory Went Viral

    The Road to Vainglory: How Modern Portfolio Theory Went Viral

Ultimately, if you want to protect yourself and others from making simple mistakes, you must embrace the sin that first birthed those missteps.

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This Is How We Rescued Retirement Savings From The 401k Frankenstein Created By An Infatuation With The ‘Style Box’

    This Is How We Rescued Retirement Savings From The 401k Frankenstein Created By An Infatuation With The ‘Style Box’

The proliferation of investment options promised participants a plug-and-play plan. In the process, it created a 401k Frankenstein monster of a mess.

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A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

    A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

A good fiduciary must keep a level head and know when emotions drive investors. After all, if they’re not careful, emotion will drive investors right off the cliff.

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Exclusive Interview: Vic Ricciardi Says “Status Quo” Bias Thwarts Broader Acceptance of Behavioral Finance

    Exclusive Interview: Vic Ricciardi Says “Status Quo” Bias Thwarts Broader Acceptance of Behavioral Finance

Why are financial professionals more likely to embrace behavioral finance and how can this help the average investor?

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/1/17 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/1/17

New thinking, delay of game, and moving (too far?) ahead.

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Goal-Oriented Target: How Leading Advisers and 401k Plan Sponsors are Using this New System to Replace Outdated Modern Portfolio Theory Risk Tools

    Goal-Oriented Target: How Leading Advisers and 401k Plan Sponsors are Using this New System to Replace Outdated Modern Portfolio Theory Risk Tools

The GOT system offers a viable and practical alternative to relying on outdated MPT tools. Although still widely in use, MPT-based calculators and analyzers can sometimes lead retirement savers to make decisions that aren’t in their best interest. That statement alone should trigger concerns from the mindful fiduciary.

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A Better Way to Set Retirement Goals

    A Better Way to Set Retirement Goals

So one wants his epitaph to read “Here lies John Doe. He beat the S&P 500.” There needs to be an easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement system that properly reflects both your goals and the consequences of failing to meet those goals. Retirement savers want and need a system that represents a better way to set and meet retirement goals.

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The Folly of Risk and the 401k Fiduciary

    The Folly of Risk and the 401k Fiduciary

Many professionals and most of the current generation of finance professors have long ago removed “risk” from their investment decision-making algorithms. These forward-thinking folks recognize the greater importance of managing retirement saver behavior over managing irrelevant investment risk as it pertains to meeting or exceeding the goal of retiring in comfort.

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