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Tag "retirement"

5 Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors To Improve Retirement Saving Outcomes For Employees

    5 Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors To Improve Retirement Saving Outcomes For Employees

Plan sponsors ought naturally to know how the plan addresses the needs of their business, but do they really know how to tweak the plan to improve outcomes?

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Exclusive Interview: Dr. Peter C. Earle Answers Whether Index Funds Are Too Much Of A Good Thing

    Exclusive Interview: Dr. Peter C. Earle Answers Whether Index Funds Are Too Much Of A Good Thing

“This lack of active involvement could lead to inefficiencies, reduced liquidity, and potential market instability, as prices may not accurately reflect the underlying value of securities.”

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The Irony Of Taxing 401k Plans To Save Social Security

    The Irony Of Taxing 401k Plans To Save Social Security

Worse, if the “alternatives” alluded to by the paper entail government backed programs like Social Security, this could have a debilitating impact on encouraging people to be responsible for funding their own retirement.

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How Can 401k Plan Sponsors ‘Trick’ Employees Into Saving More For Retirement?

    How Can 401k Plan Sponsors ‘Trick’ Employees Into Saving More For Retirement?

In the spirit of the season, one might even think of this as “tricking” employees to save. Plans sponsors are already using these tricks.

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How 401k Plan Sponsors Encourage Employees To Save More For Retirement

    How 401k Plan Sponsors Encourage Employees To Save More For Retirement

Participation is one thing. It’s critical that retirement savers build on the momentum of participation and use that to increase the amount of dollars that get contributed to their article. How can plan sponsors facilitate this?

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How 401k Plan Sponsors Can Onboard New Hires To Encourage Retirement Savings

    How 401k Plan Sponsors Can Onboard New Hires To Encourage Retirement Savings

These service providers bring in expertise and can engage the worker directly. Once set in place, the plan sponsor can step aside and let the system run on its own.

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How Do 401k Plan Sponsors Convince Middle-Class Workers They Can Retire?

    How Do 401k Plan Sponsors Convince Middle-Class Workers They Can Retire?

Of course, to really answer the question of post-retirement middle class stability, we have to understand what “middle class” means. Luckily, there are folks who collect data, which helps with this definition.

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$4.3 Million Or $1.27 Million? What’s The Point Of Scary Retirement Projection Numbers?

    $4.3 Million Or $1.27 Million? What’s The Point Of Scary Retirement Projection Numbers?

The twist is this: The bad news is only a fraction of the people will be able to save $4.3 million for retirement because the average salary is too low. The good news is most people won’t need to save $4.3 million because, thanks to living on a low average salary, they are accustomed to spending far less.

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Outside (Inside) The Box Thinking About Non-Traditional Employee Benefits

    Outside (Inside) The Box Thinking About Non-Traditional Employee Benefits

The key intent of this strategy is to allow freedom to and reward long-term employees who have accumulated the skills the company needs to compete.

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Extreme 401k Makeover: Here’s Why DC Guaranteed Income Is A Pipedream

    Extreme 401k Makeover: Here’s Why DC Guaranteed Income Is A Pipedream

So what if a few very high net savers end up with bigger retirement plans? Good for them. The point is to make it easier for more people to save more.

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