Fiduciary News

Photo by Yan Krukau: by nvision88 on Freeimages.comImage by Andrew Martin from PixabayPhoto by Chicago Cameraslinger on UnsplashPhoto by Photo Boards on UnsplashPhoto by Trường Trung Cấp Kinh Tế Du Lịch Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh CET on Unsplash
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  • Should adolescent “Stock Market Challenge” games be banned from schools? How can someone learn the important lessons of investing for a lifetime if they’re rewarded for playing a short-term trading game? Are there better ways to simulate long-term investing in a gamified form?
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  • What’s your most frustrating story when it comes to 401k employee education? If you’re teaching, tell us the one about the time you thought you nailed the presentation only to find out the audience later failed to act per the lesson. If you’re taking the point of view of the audience, tell us about the time the presenter glossed over – or even ou…[Read more]

  • Does your 401k plan measure retirement readiness of participants and, if so, how do you measure it? Despite all the noise and rancor about fees and annual investment performance, this is the bottom-line: Are the employees on the right path to be ready to retire? The article contains some thoughts on measuring retirement readiness. What is your…[Read more]

  • What’s the best way to measure the success of a 401k plan? How we pick 401k benchmarks have changed over the years. What guidelines to select benchmarks do you use today that you didn’t use 10-15 years ago? Can’t remember that far back? Here’s an article highlighted how those guidelines have changed. What do you think?
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  • How much do retirement savers need to accumulate? What do you think? Is $1,000,000 the number people should be aiming for to live a comfortable #retirement? If not, what are the more important variables? #fiduciary #401k #IRA
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’retirement: It's Never Too Late…[Read more]

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