Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Investments 9 years, 2 months ago
How do we stop the BHB myth that claims asset allocation accounts for 93% of investment performance? It’s been a while since major financial service providers have misquoted the infamous Brinson-Hood-Beebower research papers from the late 1980s/early 1990s. We still, however, see individual practitioners and even the some journalists repeating t…[Read more]
Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Investments 9 years, 2 months ago
Why do you think Target Risk Funds contain less fiduciary liability concerns for 401k plan sponsors than Target Date Funds? Target Date Funds have exploded in terms of popularity. It’s not that they’re proven in any sense of the word. In fact, the economic crash of 2008/2009 exposed their true nature and the potential liability they pose. The…[Read more]
Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Investments 9 years, 2 months ago
Cross Trading Can Harm Investment Performance. Here’s an article that explains it. Were you aware of it and the implications?
[bpfb_link url=’’ title=’
New 401k Plan Sponsor F…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Fees 9 years, 2 months ago
What’s the best way to improve 401k participant fee disclosure? While it may be correct that it does more harm than good, it’s not going away. Our only hope is to make it better.How do you see that happening? Is there something more important than fees to disclose to 401k plan participants?
[bpfb_link url…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Fees 9 years, 2 months ago
When it comes to retirement plans, what is more important than fees? As David Huntley, co-editor of the 401k Averages Book explains in the attached article, fees are the be-all and end-all when it comes to value. The DOL apparently shares this opinion. In your mind, what’s more important than fees?
[bpfb_link u…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Fees 9 years, 2 months ago
Why a Fee Disclosure? It’s just not working. In fact, does it have any meaning at all, other than to confuse plan participants? It’s one thing to place the burden of discerning the value of fees on the plan sponsor for, after all, that is their fiduciary duty. But why bring the plan participant in it? It’s not like they can do anything about it.
[…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Fees 9 years, 2 months ago
How do you solve a problem like revenue sharing? Should revenue sharing stay or should it go? It’s the cousin of the infamous 12b-1, long out of favor and now a target of the SEC. Is there really any difference between revenue sharing or 12b-1? And, if not, then why shouldn’t they be treated the same?
[bpfb_link url…[Read more]Tim Wood posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years, 2 months ago
For almost two years now, I have been expressing my frustration about the “Fiduciary” standard because I knew that the lobbying effort during the rules making process leading up to the proposed regulation would be intense and would be ruled by those with the most to lose. I could not believe that people on our side supported the idea.
I pos…[Read more]
Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years, 2 months ago
Has the DOL sufficiently defined “best interests” under its new proposal? Or are we going to have to wait for the courts to decide? The DOL is saying let the courts decide. Is that really in the best interests of, well, anyone?
[bpfb_link url…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years, 2 months ago
What’s the biggest impediment to saving for retirement? You may be surprised to see what AARP’s David Certner has to say in the attached article. Before you read it, though, tell us what you think it is.
[bpfb_link u…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Compliance 9 years, 2 months ago
The Evolution of 401k Benchmarks – what are your ideas? How we pick 401k benchmarks have changed over the years. What guidelines to select benchmarks do you use today that you didn’t use 10-15 years ago? Can’t remember that far back?
[bpfb_link url…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Communication 9 years, 2 months ago
How can gamification improve employee communications? This has the potential to create the next wave in 401k enhancements. How do you envision game-like techniques being used to motivate employees to save more for retirement?
[bpfb_link…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Communication 9 years, 2 months ago
Are financial professionals speaking the same language as plan participants? Here’s an interesting article whose title poses a great question. What do you think?
[bpfb_link url=’’ title=’Why financial literacy is more important than a universal fiduciary s…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Communication 9 years, 2 months ago
How do you see Behavioral Economics changing the way today’s 401k plans are designed? Many feel the style box unnecessarily complicated 401k plan menus. Research in behavioral economics has shown us a way out (as the article details). How do you see 401k plan menu options changing now that the style box method has lost favor?
[bpfb_link u…[Read more]Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group Communication 9 years, 2 months ago
From a tax standpoint, Are people better or worse off investing in a 401k plan? Lately, there’s been much discussion surrounding the tax benefits of 401k plans. Many say, with tax rates so low, there’s no reason to invest in a 401k or any other tax deferred savings plan. Tell us what you think below. In either case, you might be surprised by the…[Read more]
Michael R. Murphy posted an update in the group For Plan Sponsors 9 years, 2 months ago
How often should plan sponsors meet with service providers? Monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually? A plan and its investment option menu is like an aircraft carrier – it takes a long time to turn it. Unless something dramatic happens, meeting more than once a year may lead to short-term reactive decision making, which may not be in the b…[Read more]
Christopher Carosa, CTFA posted an update in the group For Plan Sponsors 9 years, 2 months ago
If you want someone to do you a favor, you must first do them a favor. That’s one of the big lessons taught by Professor Don Corleone. (And when that doesn’t work, there’s always “that” offer.) Trouble is, sometimes people ask for one thing and want another. Other times they ask for something they shouldn’t have. But what if they never ask? That’s…[Read more]
Michael R. Murphy created the group Rat Pack 9 years, 2 months ago
Michael R. Murphy created the group White Papers 9 years, 2 months ago
Michael R. Murphy created the group Sales 9 years, 2 months ago
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While I do understand your point, I prefer to meet with the participants twice annually, if possible. To be fair, we have some clients whom only allow a once a year set of meetings, but those employees are offered the opportunity to visit with us at any time of the year by phone or email to answer any questions.
Twice per year works out…[Read more]
Meeting face-to-face with client at least once a year is critical. The number of on-site visits per year really depends upon the client’s preferences, so each client should have a customized schedule calendared a year in advance.
However, I think the frequency is only part of the consideration when thinking about meeting with clients. Who y…[Read more]