401k plan sponsors may discover the Fee Disclosure Rule may be more hazardous than healthy.
I was sad when it was over. It was like saying goodbye to old friends. I wanted to stay and keep talking. Oh well, there’s always next year…
States and Feds go in opposite directions on retirement, the fiduciary debate gets hotter and more strangeness in the world of investments.
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A special treat for those who attended my fi360 conference session.
In many ways, the fallout of the Merrill Rule made this debate what it is today.
Retirees dodge a Washington Bullet, the fiduciary debate heats up, a look into the future with future disclosure and the beginning of the end of Modern Portfolio Theory?
The anti-fiduciary standard tirade may merely be the tired last gasps of a once thriving business model.
Did a Clinton-era misguided quid pro quo, ultimately approved during the Bush administration, lead to the house of cards we see today?
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/4/12
The DOL plans to turn up the heat, states look for alternatives to pensions, politicians spout lobbyist talking points, and is the end near for revenue sharing?