If companies using on-line retirement tools aren’t careful, they may just be allowing class action attorneys the opportunity to use the courts to further refine what it means to breach one’s fiduciary duty.

It is critically important that retirement savers make a long-term game plan for their savings and investing strategy.

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“The SEC systematically failed to enforce for the past two decades, and now the DOL has by necessity forced the issue.”

The Child IRA is not only a great idea, it’s an active strategy being used by professionals right now.

Current or prospective parents and grandparents may be interested in looking into child modeling as a way for their children and grandchildren to generate the earnings necessary to take advantage of The Child IRA.
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 7/29/16
Insane compliance, a whole new fiduciary world, and bad news for index funds