Investing through mutual funds, including TDFs, is like using mass transportation. It’s not ideal but for many it’s the only realistic choice.
With the pain of the Target Date Fund 2008/09 market crash debacle still lingering in the mind, to best assess the potential fiduciary liability inherent in TDFs – no matter what safes harbors were promised by the PPA – it’s critical that 401k plan sponsors understand what’s good about them, what’s bad about them, and just why they’re so popular.
Reventing ERISA erosion, limbo of the fiduciary lost, and to fee or not to fee.
Don Trone offers an amusing take on a current issue of interest.
This is the decade in which retirement savers need to accelerate their savings efforts in order to take full advantage of the positive impact time has on the growth of that savings.
State Run Plans DOA? Fiduciary’s Long Goodbye? and Products Trump Investments?
Thar’s gold in them thar retirement plans! Who could blame cash-starved states from trying to get a piece of that action? On the other hand, there’s plenty of blame when the regulatory arm created to protect employees places politics ahead of the best interests of retirement savers. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 3/17/17
Evolving Retirement Savings vehicles, Beware the Fiduciary Paper Tiger, and The Magician’s (Fee) Secret.