While much has been written of the lack of retirement savings among Americans, the most widely talked about change – lowering the cap on tax deductions – could exasperate the lack of retirement savings.
The wrong way to save retirement, the truth about “clean” shares, and Investing: It’s all your fault!
It will be important for 401k plan sponsors to get down and dirty when it comes to understanding the fiduciary liability implications of “clean” shares and their equivalent. Furthermore, since the most successful class action suits have involved different share classes of the same fund, you can be sure the introduction of “clean” shares will catch the eyes of your not-so-friendly neighborhood class action attorney.
Compliance update, fiduciary update, and exactly how clean are those “clean” shares?
Compliance test, plan sponsor fiduciary awareness, and the similarity between Paul McCartney’s grandfather and the future of mutual funds.
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/20/17
Fiduciary irony, fee disbelief, and investment deja vu.