The current environment abounds with many temptations that try to lure the unsuspecting fiduciary. Here are five very relevant examples.
“As for as the pre-release discussion of the Trump tax plan, I would just ignore it. It’s short on details, which raises too many questions.”
States don’t run, fee scruples, and Bogle’s Bombshell.
Thanks in part to media reporting, retirement savers objectives are often misplaced. Striving for a high return or outpacing a particular index does not make for a successful retirement savings strategy.
A New Fiduciary, Fee Crossfire Silence and Controlling Expectations.
“While it is preferable to start at a young age, you are never too old to start making good financial decisions. If you have made mistakes in the past, it is important that you recognize where you went wrong, and start taking the proper steps to fix any issues you may have created, so that you can move towards a healthier financial state.”
Tax Reform, New DOL Secretary, and Hammering Index Funds. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/19/17
State-run suspicions, the funny thing about fees, and investing’s good old days.