Not being able to easily monitor how former employees apply these tools, however, can increase the fiduciary liability of plan sponsors.
“401k Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) are a solution for the small to mid-sized employer market that will lead to the expansion of retirement plan coverage for America’s workers.”
Regulators targeting 403(b)s plus other items of interest for plan sponsors and plan participants.
A New MEP Day, 12b-1 Quid Pro Quo, and a passive warning
MEPs have the potential to do what state-sponsored plans may not be able to offer – protection under ERISA. That’s in the employees’ best interests. If many embrace this concept, September 30, 2019 may indeed signal the dawn of a new day in retirement saving. Still, due diligence remains an imperative.
A birthday party, a fight, and a leaking bucket.
If plan sponsors can train their employees to use these same tactics for their retirement, they’ll be more likely to practice those tactics at work. And that’s good for business.
Nullifying compliance nullification, a whole slew of fiduciary rules, and the joys and sorrows of market timing. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/18/19
IRS opines on MEP Rules, EBSA reorganizes, and TDFs take a whacking.