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Here’s what’s been hot this year. Can you see why?
Regulatory medley and the bloom falls off the ESG rose.
. As we head towards our year-end hiatus, are you ready to take the dive into raw, unedited comments from those who serve or are served by the retirement industry?
Year-end confusion, fiduciary stasis, and “I told you so” investing.
In general, there are some simple rules to follow. That being said, just because the rules are simple doesn’t mean you should follow them.
Asking for regulations, fiduciary basics, and remembering investing fundamentals.
The Top Ten “Must Read” Articles For The Three Years Ending 12/31/22!
We take a different approach by looking not too far back in the past. This avoids the “getting lost in the sauce of history” problem so many retrospectives have. It’s the opposite of the “recency” problem, where we place too much emphasis on that which lies closest to our memories. Often, instead, we’ll give more than proper weight to happenings in a distance that is rapidly losing relevance.