The growing norm, the battle begins, and once more into the breach.

If you have any experience in the retirement plan business, some predictions just write themselves. As in “an incredible feeling of déjà vu.”

What works, they’re back, and Sci-Finance.

CITs can only be offered within the confines of a trust relationship. That means the plan itself might be structurally different than one that has an investment menu limited to mutual funds.

Part-timers and retirement plans, annuities and fiduciary liability, and fads and investing.

Eliminating the match and investing a large portion of retirement savings in bonds creates a risk. It may cause the retirement savings to go down in flames.

Compliance up is down, only the beginning of the Fiduciary Rule, and Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.

Let’s take some time off this week to reflect why we’re thankful for the 401k.

Regulator clarity, a lot of movement, and the upside of high rates.
Top 5 Stories In 2023 For The 401k Plan Sponsor And Fiduciary
What Do You Think Was The Top Fiduciary Story In 2023?