Plan sponsors need to think about it in these terms: Does it make sense to have a pork-belly ETF on a 401k investment menu? How about orange futures?
Churning regulators, fiduciary costs, and nuthin’ from nuthin’
To make the procedure more agonizing, the transition away from Chevron may feel like death by a thousand cuts. But the snail-like process of the courts has its benefits.
More regs, DOA regs, and guess what’s back?
The process of transferring assets is not without its own liabilities. The exact nature of the fiduciary risk depends on the nature of the transfer.
New year keeps ringing, a brewing battle in fiduciary land and, not this article again.
Some believe it’s destined to become a cure-all for much of what ails retirement savings today. Others, well, they’re not so sure.
Update your compliance forms, fiduciary bickering, and yin/yang investing.
These are the stories that tell us what is most on the forefront of the minds of those most involved in the retirement plan industry. It tells us both what questions they’re asking and, perhaps, why they’re asking them. The articles that make this list don’t represent fads, but the never-ending hard reality in the everyday world of 401k plan sponsors and fiduciaries. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Weeks Ending 2/2/24
Lawfare vs. Regfare, fee irony, and 60/40 just won’t go away/