In a strange twist of fate, it appears the newsweekly publication business model was closer to retirement in 2009 than the 401k.
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![Enjoy The Summer: No Article This Week](
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![ Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Weeks Ending 3/29/24](
Ridiculous regulators, revving up the Fiduciary Rule, and emerging investment patterns.
![ Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Weeks Ending 3/22/24](
More on Social Security, the new Fiduciary Rule, and tired investment ideas.
![ Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Weeks Ending 3/15/24](
What everyone talks about, what nobody talks about, and what people should stop talking about.
![ Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Weeks Ending 3/8/24](
Kill the 401k chorus, Danger Will Robinson! and There is no alternative to the tried and true.
![ Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Weeks Ending 3/1/24](
Retirement plan evolution, Admiral Ackbar, and getting what you pay for.
![ Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Weeks Ending 2/23/24](
Compliance nits, more sniping at the Fiduciary Rule, and is AI the new ESG?
Summary of 2024: Navigating the Evolved Fiduciary Landscape for Retirement Plan Fiduciaries
2024 was a year of adaptation for retirement plan fiduciaries who navigated through regulatory changes, legal landscapes, and participant needs with a renewed focus on governance, liability management, and the holistic management of retirement plans.