In a strange twist of fate, it appears the newsweekly publication business model was closer to retirement in 2009 than the 401k.
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Ridiculous regulators, revving up the Fiduciary Rule, and emerging investment patterns.
More on Social Security, the new Fiduciary Rule, and tired investment ideas.
What everyone talks about, what nobody talks about, and what people should stop talking about.
Kill the 401k chorus, Danger Will Robinson! and There is no alternative to the tried and true.
Retirement plan evolution, Admiral Ackbar, and getting what you pay for.
Compliance nits, more sniping at the Fiduciary Rule, and is AI the new ESG?
Summary of 2024: Navigating the Evolved Fiduciary Landscape for Retirement Plan Fiduciaries
2024 was a year of adaptation for retirement plan fiduciaries who navigated through regulatory changes, legal landscapes, and participant needs with a renewed focus on governance, liability management, and the holistic management of retirement plans.