2024 was a year of adaptation for retirement plan fiduciaries who navigated through regulatory changes, legal landscapes, and participant needs with a renewed focus on governance, liability management, and the holistic management of retirement plans.

In a strange twist of fate, it appears the newsweekly publication business model was closer to retirement in 2009 than the 401k.

It seems like each decade produces a major box office hit that exudes fiduciary. This whole “best interest” thing seems to have caught on in Tinseltown. More recent movies have added a good dose of the “honesty” part of fiduciary.

We take a different approach by looking not too far back in the past. This avoids the “getting lost in the sauce of history” problem so many retrospectives have. It’s the opposite of the “recency” problem, where we place too much emphasis on that which lies closest to our memories. Often, instead, we’ll give more than proper weight to happenings in a distance that is rapidly losing relevance.

Here’s what’s been hot this year. Can you see why?

. As we head towards our year-end hiatus, are you ready to take the dive into raw, unedited comments from those who serve or are served by the retirement industry?

Do you think five years is too ambitious of a time frame? If so, consider this: five years ago, would you have considered using your phone to buy groceries?

These are the evergreen articles that have stood the test of time. Why do you think that is so? Take a look and decide for yourself.
2025 Reader Survey: Are ERISA Fiduciaries Drowning in Rules or Dreaming of Robots?
So, reams of respondents spilled their guts: compliance is king, tech’s your knight, and referrals rule revenue (which make them your queen, but who plays the pawn in this game of fiduciary chess?).