State-Sponsored retirement plans a path to privatizing Social Security? Can a good fiduciary make a bad decision? Is this the beginning of the end of 12b-1 fees?

As the year approaches its conclusion, it’s a good time to reflect on the good that we have seen in the 401k world. In doing so, we can see plan sponsors have reason to smile.

Tale of Two Public Policy Cities, Plato’s Fiduciary Cave, and Frankenstein’s Index Fund

Two opposing forces, what does “fiduciary” really mean, and, speaking of conflicts-of-interest.

Second thoughts on the new MEP, a growing (fiduciary) consensus, and the return of a Halloween (fee) nightmare.
Top 5 Stories in 2018 for the 401k Plan Sponsor and Fiduciary
Who would you ask if you wanted to know the best way to do something.