Now we know why Washington has been dissing the 401k, why we lost the war for the fiduciary standard and why investors keep losing money.
What’s up with the anti-401k conspiracy? Is the DOL about to cave of the Fiduciary Rule?
A funny thing happened on the way to the fiduciary standard lynching and what the world will look like when fees are transparent
Politicians want to milk the 401k cash cow, the DOL catches the industry with its pants down and just who does really benefit from the new Fee Disclosure Rule?
The Fiduciary Battle reignites while the Fee Wars heat up, investors search for fixed income and states look to dump pensions and go the 401k route.
Washington attacks 401k plans as states move to convert DB plans to DC plans, fiduciary advocates take off the gloves, annuities replace TDFs as favorite whipping boy and more.
Mixed reviews on dual IRS/DOL announcement; Surveys indicate 401k plan sponsors might be in for an awful surprise; and, is the Annuity the financial industry equivalent of the Chevy Volt?
This was the week we were all waiting for from the DOL. What we didn’t expect was the surprise from the IRS and the bipartisan agreement from two former SEC chairmen.
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/6/12
In a week that we featured Investment Due Diligence for 401k plans, a major court ruling shows what happened without such due diligence.