For a slow news week a surprising number of hard-hitting news articles.
Is this the week that signaled the beginning of the bond bubble bust? What ETFs need to be a game changer. Why can’t brokers survive serving smaller clients while advisers don’t have any problem? A new twist in the pension problem surfaces.
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Isn’t it ironic that the very people who 401k plans were created to benefit have decided it’s easier to ignore the maze than to constructively participate. Allowing the 401k to evolve up to today’s technology will solve many problems.
In a week that featured the DOL’s new Target Date Fund disclosure proposal, angst over delayed reforms remains.
Some surprises of shoddy reporting in what might normally be considered a quiet week. And some good reporting, too.
Join us in giving thanks to all the news that 401k plans generate. There’s a special gem this week – maybe a hint at how the SEC will rule on the fiduciary standard.
An expected study reveals ETFs may be more dangerous than originally thought – and the nearly trillion dollar industry tries to shoot holes in it. Meanwhile, are we taking a giant step backward in reforming 12b-1 fees and the fiduciary standard?
If you’ve come to Fiduciary News for the water, then this week’s trending topics is just for you. It starts with a whole list of bad investment ideas, includes the continuing dilemma of pensions and a fiduciary fight and ends with a future issue.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 12/31/10
An otherwise quiet news week produces a flurry of stories on one single under-reported issue: coincidence or not?