The Compliance Avalanche, dead horses coming back to life, and terms you should know better than.

Pension questions, annuity fiduciary liability questions, and the return of fee questions in the most unlikely of places.

A helping hand, rewarding honesty, and the emperor has no clothes.

Social In-SECURE-ity, the anti-fiduciary. and the never-ending investment cycle.

More SECURE 2.0, a new look at fiduciary, and too late to make investment changes.

We take a different approach by looking not too far back in the past. This avoids the “getting lost in the sauce of history” problem so many retrospectives have. It’s the opposite of the “recency” problem, where we place too much emphasis on that which lies closest to our memories. Often, instead, we’ll give more than proper weight to happenings in a distance that is rapidly losing relevance.

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Here’s what’s been hot this year. Can you see why?

Regulatory medley and the bloom falls off the ESG rose. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/03/23
Never-ending SECURE 2.0, fiduciary promises, and Every Stockpicker Groans.