Fiduciary News

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The Shocking Truth of Supply and Demand in the Markets and the Retirement Saver’s Best Interest

    The Shocking Truth of Supply and Demand in the Markets and the Retirement Saver’s Best Interest

“Retirement savers must maintain long-term orientation regarding their assets. Supply and demand shock and generally easy to identify and often temporary in nature. These shocks often bring out the worst in decision making for investors. Astute investors will want to recognize this for what it’s worth: the opportunity to stand athwart the crowds in the market and purchase at cut-rate prices.”

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Retirement Pros Reveal Their Own Best Interests When It Comes to Their Retirement Plans

    Retirement Pros Reveal Their Own Best Interests When It Comes to Their Retirement Plans

Long-term investors like retirement savers can easily act like a fiduciary for their own assets. All they need to do is look in a mirror – but not for their own reflection. Look in a mirror a retirement professional is looking into and see how that reflection invests for retirement.

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Social Security – A Promise Breaking?

    Social Security – A Promise Breaking?

While Social Security is not going “bankrupt,” it’s clear it will have to change in both a fundamental and disruptive way.

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Retirement Savers’ Most Taxing Misconceptions

    Retirement Savers’ Most Taxing Misconceptions

Comprehending the tax code is not an activity for the faint of heart and most retirement savers would faint if they saw the actual codebook. The problem with current tax code is that it may not be the same in the future. This realization can have profound impact on the retirement savings strategy one undertakes.

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5 Things to Do to Improve a Retirement Investor’s Goal-Oriented Target

The best strategy is to live in moderation – both today and when you retire.

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Why a 401k Fiduciary Must Convince Retirement Investors to Avoid Thinking in Lump Sum Terms

What if the choice between what’s behind the curtain and what’s in the box led to exactly the same outcome?

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Retirement in the 21st Century: How Today’s Retirees Satisfy Their Yearn to Earn

The rocking chair on the front porch isn’t for everyone. Here’s why.

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What is the Ideal Deferral Rate a 401k Fiduciary Should Ask Employees to Work Towards?

To dream the impossible dream requires, first, that you dream.

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Why Every 401k Fiduciary Should Redefine Risk as What Happens When You Miss Your Goal

Volatility simply can’t be used to measure risk because it contains components both of risk and reward. Here’s a better way to measure true investor peril.

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What Every 401k Plan Sponsor and Fiduciary Should Disclose to Employees: How to Retire a Millionaire (Hint: It’s Easier Than You Think)

They say they best way to learn is by teaching. Here’s something you can teach your kids that will help you.

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