Plan sponsors can benefit from motivated employees, and the 401k plan is a tool to achieve this motivation. What precisely can plan sponsors offer in addition to the usual company match to make their 401k plan more enticing, more attractive, more motivating?
Perhaps 401k plan sponsors should also focus plan participants’ attention on these 5 overlooked factors the can thwart their ability to attain the freedom of financial independence.
Just because you don’t have a fiduciary duty to other employees doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to think like a fiduciary.
What’s the Goal? Last I heard it was preparation for retirement via tax preferred savings … but, looking around at what is typical industry practice, perhaps I have it all wrong.
This isn’t to say younger employees should be left out of this type of education altogether. They shouldn’t. It’s important the message is drip, drip, dripped from the beginning of the onboarding sequence.
Before you scorn the use of badges, remember, the company match is the ultimate badge. If you meet a minimum savings goal, the company awards you a “badge” of a matching contribution.
Learning to budget isn’t a single lesson. It’s a series of lessons that get more advanced as the student progresses.
Because things happened so fast, everyday folks could see in real time how long-term financial systems unfold. In the end, this may have been the greatest lesson of all, and it came courtesy of living in the real-world economic laboratory that was 2020.
You might think you can ignore PEPs. And you might be in for a surprise.
Astute fiduciaries understand this danger. They can proactively head off turbulence before the waters get particularly bad.