“There is no upside for an employer doing everything perfectly with their retirement plan. The downside risk, however, can be huge. It’s a risk that just isn’t worth the employer taking.”
He says it doesn’t pass the basic smell test, and that’s just warming up…
“Living longer is only part of the new old age – the desire and the market opportunity is how to enable living longer better.”
Popular financial blogger offers thoughts on issues important to financial professionals.
“…if you are operating under the fiduciary standard… the future of regulation may dramatically change the very business model you have come to love; and the reasons you love it are the very same reasons it is under attack.”
Ron also says to “sunset” BICE, eliminate all conflicts-of-interest, and don’t trust FINRA.
Comments on the fiduciary standard, reducing liability, and what his clients are asking.
Golden tells us how Swensen’s books have explained why a fiduciary cannot use a cookie-cutter approach.