Fiduciary News

Photo by Yan Krukau: by nvision88 on Freeimages.comImage by Andrew Martin from PixabayPhoto by Chicago Cameraslinger on UnsplashPhoto by Photo Boards on UnsplashPhoto by Trường Trung Cấp Kinh Tế Du Lịch Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh CET on Unsplash
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Interested in hearing a fun and entertaining talk about some of the hot topics covered by

Our Chief Contributing Editor, Christopher Carosa, CTFA, is available to speak to your professional association, trade group or business roundtable. A dynamic speaking (what would expect from a former top-rated AM disk jockey who has also written a stage play performed before packed houses?), Mr. Carosa has performed before live audiences from coast to coast. He’s been called the “Feynman of Finance” (but usually only by other people with a degree in physics, q.v., “Richard Feynman”) for his unique ability to explain complex financial issues using pop culture analogies and metaphors based on everything from Euclidean Geometry (you may not remember, but you’ll know what it is when you see it) to everyday appliances.

For more information email at


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