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Tag "2006 Pension Protection Act"

How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Increase The Number Of Employees Who Participate?

    How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Increase The Number Of Employees Who Participate?

How strong an argument is there for auto-enrollment? Remember, the key feature of the 2006 Pension Protection Act was to encourage auto-enrollment. The SECURE Act has even stronger language.

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Five Forlorn 401k Flops To Forever Forsake

    Five Forlorn 401k Flops To Forever Forsake

This week is all about those wayward 401k features that are well beyond their expiration date. Careful, though. In the process, you’ll see what’s garbage to one is a work of art to another.

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How 20-Year-Olds Invested Over The Generations Reveals Key Fiduciary Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors

    How 20-Year-Olds Invested Over The Generations Reveals Key Fiduciary Tips For 401k Plan Sponsors

It might suit 401k plan sponsors and fiduciaries to tell this story of the generations to help the next generation avoid the mistakes of past generations. This tale provides many good tips about the dangers of investing in extremes, be they too conservative or too aggressive.

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Reframe 401k Participant Education To Stop Stressing Risk And Start Emphasizing Goals

    Reframe 401k Participant Education To Stop Stressing Risk And Start Emphasizing Goals

It’s fun to talk about “risk” and “return” because these are measurables and people are comfortable with the tangible world. But none of that touches upon what really matters. Worse, it can distract you from achieving what you want most.

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5 Areas Where Target Date Funds Increase 401k Plan Sponsors’ Fiduciary Liability

    5 Areas Where Target Date Funds Increase 401k Plan Sponsors’ Fiduciary Liability

When considering the potential – if not underestimated – liability associated with TDFs, perhaps it’s best to listen to the warning Cialdini provides regarding Social Proof: “It should never be trusted fully… we need to look up and around periodically whenever we are locked into the evidence of the crowd.”

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How QDIAs Have Changed the Fiduciary Role of 401k Plan Sponsors

    How QDIAs Have Changed the Fiduciary Role of 401k Plan Sponsors

When retirement industry professionals talk about the impact of the 2006 Pension Protection Act, you might be surprised that this is what they conclude.

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Recent Market Volatility Has Revealed This About Target Date Funds

    Recent Market Volatility Has Revealed This About Target Date Funds

It turns out there’s a downside to 401k participant engagement. Who knew?

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QDIA Fiduciary Red Flags 401k Plan Sponsors Must Look Out For

    QDIA Fiduciary Red Flags 401k Plan Sponsors Must Look Out For

Do 401k plan sponsors know the fiduciary minefield they’re stepping into when they select a QDIA?

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Time for Naïve 401k Millennials Opting for “Safe” Investments to Stop Hurting Themselves

Why have these people failed to learn from history and what can be done to prevent them from hurting themselves?

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These 7 Employee Concerns can Befuddle a 401k Plan Sponsor/Fiduciary

401k plan participant concerns come in three varieties: Those you know about and should do something about; Those you know about and shouldn’t do something about; and, Those you don’t know about and better do something about right now.

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