Fiduciary News

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Tag "3(21)"

Why Is ‘Fiduciary’ Losing Its Luster?

    Why Is ‘Fiduciary’ Losing Its Luster?

Back then, at least, we knew who wore the white hats and who whore the black hats. Today, thanks to muddled and often conflicting regulations for multiple agencies, everyone is wearing fifty shades of gray.

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Are DOL’s ESG Tactics Backfiring With The 401k Fiduciary?

    Are DOL’s ESG Tactics Backfiring With The 401k Fiduciary?

Should the platform offer ESG doesn’t necessarily mean good news for the 401k plan sponsor. Including ESG funds might introduce other risks.

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Do 401k Plan Sponsor Have Fiduciary Responsibilities For Employees In Retirement?

    Do 401k Plan Sponsor Have Fiduciary Responsibilities For Employees In Retirement?

If you think the web of fiduciary duties is complex in a 401k plan that focuses on getting employees to save for retirement, imagine how much more intricate it becomes if the plan also has to cater to retired employees.

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When It Comes To Fees, How Does A 401k Fiduciary Measure Value?

    When It Comes To Fees, How Does A 401k Fiduciary Measure Value?

Clearly, you wouldn’t pay more for 2 apples if you could get 3 for the same price, but would you pay more to get 2 oranges instead?

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Who Is Generally Responsible For Designing, Detailing, And Approving The 401k IPS?

    Who Is Generally Responsible For Designing, Detailing, And Approving The 401k IPS?

There are many different types of plans, particularly when plan sponsors pick a 3(21) or 3(38) adviser. Which service provider arrangement a plan sponsor chooses impacts how the IPS will be constructed – and how the relevant parties contribute to that draft.

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What Do Most 401k Plan Sponsors Use: a 3(38) or a 3(21) Adviser?

    What Do Most 401k Plan Sponsors Use: a 3(38) or a 3(21) Adviser?

If you think this evolution is amazing, just wait until you see what changes come about once the 401kMEP starts ramping up.

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The One Topic Every 401k Plan Sponsor Must Know Right Now: Fiduciary Education Curriculum (Part III)

    The One Topic Every 401k Plan Sponsor Must Know Right Now: Fiduciary Education Curriculum (Part III)

Most 401k plan sponsors will readily admit they are not experts when it comes to retirement plans. They understand they have a role in the process. They understand that role carries with it certain fiduciary obligations. They understand (and accept) that role also exposes them to liabilities. This article shows how prudent delegation can mitigate much of that fiduciary liability.

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The Meat and Potatoes Topics of 401k Plan Sponsor Training: Fiduciary Education Curriculum (Part II)

    The Meat and Potatoes Topics of 401k Plan Sponsor Training: Fiduciary Education Curriculum (Part II)

If we liken the “5 Critical Topics” to the skeleton and sinew of a plan sponsor’s fiduciary obligation, the “meat and potatoes” topics can be described as its soft underbelly. It is within the routines of these topics that plan sponsors live most dangerously. What are these next two topics and why is it important plan sponsors to dig deep into them rather than simply “read the headlines”?

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Exclusive Interview: David Levine: 401k Plan Sponsors Must Separate These Fiduciary Rule Facts from Fiction

    Exclusive Interview: David Levine: 401k Plan Sponsors Must Separate These Fiduciary Rule Facts from Fiction

“This uncertainty can be very challenging for plan sponsors. If I have to give some basic words of advice to plan sponsors, I simply say ‘stop and take a breath.’”

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 8/5/16 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 8/5/16

Dire prediction for Social Security, when it rains it pours (for fees), and two sides of the same investment coin.

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