MEPs have the potential to do what state-sponsored plans may not be able to offer – protection under ERISA. That’s in the employees’ best interests. If many embrace this concept, September 30, 2019 may indeed signal the dawn of a new day in retirement saving. Still, due diligence remains an imperative.
Tag "5500"

Two opposing forces, what does “fiduciary” really mean, and, speaking of conflicts-of-interest.

SEC punts fiduciary, fees aren’t everything, and old time investing.

401k rising, the Fiduciary Rule’s long goodbye, and a fee trend worth continuing.

Faux Regulation, Fiduciary Liability Redux, and Interest Rate Follies. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/1/19
Risk without reward, fiduciary law precedent, and, yes, high fees are bad.