Fiduciary News

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Tag "adviser"

Why Aren’t 401k Plan Participants Getting What They Ask For?

    Why Aren’t 401k Plan Participants Getting What They Ask For?

More sophisticated plan participants who can afford to hire their own adviser. They don’t ask more from the plan. They ask for less, in hopes of gaining more control over their own destiny. For a variety of reasons, this isn’t as easy as some participants would like it to be.

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How Does Embedding Retirement Income Into A Target Date Fund Work?

    How Does Embedding Retirement Income Into A Target Date Fund Work?

It’s not just plan sponsors and plan participants that need convincing. The entire retirement plan infrastructure must also get on board. That doesn’t mean the hurdles can’t be overcome.

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The One Topic Every 401k Plan Sponsor Must Know Right Now: Fiduciary Education Curriculum (Part III)

    The One Topic Every 401k Plan Sponsor Must Know Right Now: Fiduciary Education Curriculum (Part III)

Most 401k plan sponsors will readily admit they are not experts when it comes to retirement plans. They understand they have a role in the process. They understand that role carries with it certain fiduciary obligations. They understand (and accept) that role also exposes them to liabilities. This article shows how prudent delegation can mitigate much of that fiduciary liability.

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Exclusive Interview: MoneyTrack’s Pam Krueger Says It’s Time for Industry and Regulators to “Pick a Lane”

    Exclusive Interview: MoneyTrack’s Pam Krueger Says It’s Time for Industry and Regulators to “Pick a Lane”

“Pick a lane… please. Why is the SEC living in the land of ambiguity? Lead, follow, or step aside. I may not agree with Ken Fisher very often but on this point, I believe he nailed it…”

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Exclusive Interview: Harold Evensky on Fiduciary: The Name is the Game

    Exclusive Interview: Harold Evensky on Fiduciary: The Name is the Game

“There is no practical difference between ‘adviser’ and ‘advisor’ in the eyes of the customer. Both suggest a level of relationship well beyond the standard of a brokerage relationship.”

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Exclusive Interview: Barbara Roper Says Mere Disclosure Inadequate for Fiduciary Advice

    Exclusive Interview: Barbara Roper Says Mere Disclosure Inadequate for Fiduciary Advice

For that to work, however, it’s not enough to change the titles brokers use – to make them call their sales representatives “salespeople” and call their services “sales recommendations” – you’d also have to completely change the way they market themselves so that their marketing messages are consistent with their regulatory status.

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/31/14

Political tea leaves, the madness of fees, and the enemy of the investing good.

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401k Plan Sponsors Not Only Ones Affected by “Adviser”/“Advisor” Fiduciary Confusion

How can we expect 401k plan sponsors to understand the difference when financial service professionals can’t?

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/24/14

The 401k comes roaring back, fiduciary fumbling and repeating investment history.

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Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 8/12/11

With Congress in recess, the anti-fiduciary lobbyists have moved to major media outlets. Meanwhile, we’re continually discovering government regulation too often produces Rube Goldberg fiascos like target-date funds.

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