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Tag "Andy Bush"

How to Counter the Top 5 Excuses People Are Using to Explain Why They’re Not Saving Right Now for Their Own Retirement

    How to Counter the Top 5 Excuses People Are Using to Explain Why They’re Not Saving Right Now for Their Own Retirement

Looking for an equal and opposite reaction for those intent on continued delays in saving for retirement? This article reveals 5 effective counter punches.

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Misperceptions Prevent Retirement Saving But These Remedies Can Alter That Reality

    Misperceptions Prevent Retirement Saving But These Remedies Can Alter That Reality

The financial decisions people make can reaffirm their perceived reality. A tweak here and there can change that reality.

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If Retirement Pros Set Tax Policy Instead of Politicians, This is What We’d Get

    If Retirement Pros Set Tax Policy Instead of Politicians, This is What We’d Get

Congress may be zagging when common sense says it should be zigging. Or maybe not.

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Retirement Pros Reveal Worst Fears Regarding Tax Reform

    Retirement Pros Reveal Worst Fears Regarding Tax Reform

While much has been written of the lack of retirement savings among Americans, the most widely talked about change – lowering the cap on tax deductions – could exasperate the lack of retirement savings.

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401k Plan Sponsors Shift from Investment Focus to Emphasizing Retirement Readiness

    401k Plan Sponsors Shift from Investment Focus to Emphasizing Retirement Readiness

Is the industry up to the task of leading the charge towards retirement readiness?

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Beyond Auto-Mania: The Future of 401k Plan Design

Dedicated and disciplined savings is the best way to insure a comfortable retirement, and, after all, isn’t that what it’s all about?

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Which Retirement Plan Fiduciary Most Drives 401k Plan Design

Over the decades, the role and standard of different types of service providers has shifted when it comes to plan design. But one thing remains constant.

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How Poor Plan Design Damages Retirement Readiness

Traditional 401k plan designs have demonstrated they actually discourage savings.

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