You’re the one ultimately responsible for all decisions, from picking and choosing what you do and buy to determining how to manage your assets and cash flow stream. Oh, and did we forget to mention this is for the rest of your life?
Tag "Andy Yadro"
“While it is preferable to start at a young age, you are never too old to start making good financial decisions. If you have made mistakes in the past, it is important that you recognize where you went wrong, and start taking the proper steps to fix any issues you may have created, so that you can move towards a healthier financial state.”
Quite the opposite from being “over the hill,” those in their forties may find they’re still slogging up hill in terms of saving for retirement.
It’s not rocket science, but it’s not easy – either saving in the first place and then investing for the long-term, which means 20-year olds better be as comfortable riding the market as much as they are riding an amusement park roller coaster.
It turns out it’s not a question of “either/or” but more of the interconnectedness of “Yin/Yang.”