“I was [once] a major skeptic of the use of annuities, I have subsequently changed my mind regarding the efficacy of low-cost fixed and variable annuities in both personal and retirement accounts.”
Tag "annuities"

A good fiduciary needs to see through the hype and base decisions solely on matters of import. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. For one thing, hype, like humor, works because it’s based on truth. This mantle of credibility is just enough to lead the fiduciary astray.
“Studies have shown that the largest factor in determining the success level of retirement savers is their level of savings.”
Gov problems not related to “shutdown,” SEC to water down Fiduciary Standard? and more investment follies
Why government can’t solve retirement/investing problems, false fee fallout and bonds start bursting.
Pension Ponzi run amok, rebooting 408(b)(2) and the folly of investment products.
How to prepare for a DOL Audit, SEC on the brink? and solutions looking for a problem.
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/30/14
Blue and Red approaches to retirement policy, another Fiduciary Rule delay and what’s up with the latest investment fads.