Will 401k plan sponsors find themselves in the same sorry position as the unfortunate bartender who served one too many drinks?
Tag "Annuity"
Is there evidence to support what surveys say 401k investors want? Quite the contrary.
Government policy and the hoi polloi might be leading 401k plan sponsors to disaster. Why?
Meddling politicians, the infantile Fiduciary debate, a DOL surprise and a totally backwards approach to giving investment advice – what more can you ask for?
The DOL plans to turn up the heat, states look for alternatives to pensions, politicians spout lobbyist talking points, and is the end near for revenue sharing?
Politicians want to milk the 401k cash cow, the DOL catches the industry with its pants down and just who does really benefit from the new Fee Disclosure Rule?
The Fiduciary Battle reignites while the Fee Wars heat up, investors search for fixed income and states look to dump pensions and go the 401k route.
Washington attacks 401k plans as states move to convert DB plans to DC plans, fiduciary advocates take off the gloves, annuities replace TDFs as favorite whipping boy and more.
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/18/12
Why do they keep insisting 401k is a failure? Why do they keep insisting a fiduciary compromise is consistent with “fiduciary”? Why are young investors doomed to repeat the same mistakes as their elders?