The SEC finally admits 12b-1 is a priority, The Wall Street Journal finally explains why ETFs might not be ready for prime-time and InvestmentNews finally reveals why many financial advisers won’t be impacted at all by a uniform and stronger fiduciary standard. Still, there’s one article that sets all we’ve learned the past forty years so far back you won’t believe it.
Tag "Annuity"
A day in the life of a fiduciary, from a foreboding dawn, to the doom of high noon, to the sun setting on an old friend, to the restless night. What a week it’s been.
Just as the problems with Target Date Funds go mainstream, the GAO asks the DOL to look into disclosure rules that could torpedo annuities in 401k plans. Oh, and the House calls the SEC’s bluff.
This week say more positioning on the fiduciary standard, the return of the annuity debate, continued heckling of 401k plans and some important regulatory news.Target d
If you’ve come to Fiduciary News for the water, then this week’s trending topics is just for you. It starts with a whole list of bad investment ideas, includes the continuing dilemma of pensions and a fiduciary fight and ends with a future issue.
While pension problems trump annuity ideas and the fiduciary fracas festers, along comes the DOL to remind us they’re still in this game.
Find out what big PR push a certain sector of the financial industry started this week. Here’s a hint: You can thank Washington.
What happened while you were taking Labor Day week off – whether to see the beach or to catch up on your busy workload?
The SEC does the right thing, and some 401k fiduciaries may find they’ve been doing the wrong thing.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/20/11
This week features more bad news from Washington for fiduciary fans, the surprising return of the investment debate, the overly simplistic matter of fees and continued dour forebodings regarding pension plans.