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Tag "Ary Rosenbaum"

How to Address Top Fiduciary Issues for Trade Associations Sponsoring 401k MEPs

    How to Address Top Fiduciary Issues for Trade Associations Sponsoring 401k MEPs

It appears all but certain the floodgates will soon open wide, unleashing a torrent of trade association sponsored 401k MEPs. If you’re looking for the trigger that will open those floodgates, here’s what you should be paying attention to.

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What Every Company 401k Plan Fiduciary Needs to Know about MEPs

    What Every Company 401k Plan Fiduciary Needs to Know about MEPs

As we approach clarity with regards to Congressional action and/or implementation of the Trump Executive Order, we may find need to expand these MEP guidelines. Until then, though, companies in business associations where commonality exists may wish to use these ground rules when determining if a 401k MEP is the right course to take.

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The Greatest 401(k) Book Sequel Ever, by Ary Rosenbaum – Chapter 3

    The Greatest 401(k) Book Sequel Ever, by Ary Rosenbaum – Chapter 3

Ary Rosenbaum’s latest book tells the story of the modern retirement era through the lens of classic movie sequels, but it’s his own unique experiences that tell the real story. Here’s a taste.

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Exclusive Interview: Ary Rosenbaum says Scottrade Still on the Hook Despite 5th Circuit Ruling

    Exclusive Interview: Ary Rosenbaum says Scottrade Still on the Hook Despite 5th Circuit Ruling

Prolific ERISA attorney shares his views on the DOL’s Fiduciary Rule and the direction the industry is headed in.

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Are We Better Off With or Without ERISA? And What are the Implications?

    Are We Better Off With or Without ERISA? And What are the Implications?

Thar’s gold in them thar retirement plans! Who could blame cash-starved states from trying to get a piece of that action? On the other hand, there’s plenty of blame when the regulatory arm created to protect employees places politics ahead of the best interests of retirement savers.

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Did DOL Fiduciary Rule FAQ Just Fire Warning Shot at Target Date Fund/Index Fund Fees?

    Did DOL Fiduciary Rule FAQ Just Fire Warning Shot at Target Date Fund/Index Fund Fees?

How much effort does it really take for ongoing monitoring of an index fund or a target date fund? And does that justify the fees advisers typically charge? And is this why the DOL inserted that reference in Q5 of the Fiduciary FAQ?

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New Fiduciary Rule: What the DOL Got Right, Came Close on, and Missed Entirely

    New Fiduciary Rule: What the DOL Got Right, Came Close on, and Missed Entirely

Any regulation that requires 10 pages of explanation for every page of regulation is bound to have something good, something not-quite-good-enough, and something not-so-good.

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DOL Fiduciary Rule as Proposed May Not Stop Investor Losses as Claimed

    DOL Fiduciary Rule as Proposed May Not Stop Investor Losses as Claimed

The DOL is poised to endorse the continued use of the very fees it claims are costing retirement savers billions per year.

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When Must a Fiduciary Just Say “No” to a Client?

When it comes to being a fiduciary, the customer is, most assuredly, not always right.

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Obama Fires Fiduciary Starter Pistol to Mixed Reviews

When a reputed home run hitter with such a pronounced track record of striking out wants to join your team, what do you do?

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