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Tag "Barbara Roper"

Exclusive Interview: Luis Aguilar On SEC/DOL Harmonization And Continuing Fiduciary Confusion

    Exclusive Interview: Luis Aguilar On SEC/DOL Harmonization And Continuing Fiduciary Confusion

“Perhaps the continued confusion can be expected given that the term ‘best interest’ is not defined in Reg BI and the word ‘fiduciary’ is not used in defining the new standard. It makes it harder to understand.”

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Exclusive Interview: Skip Schweiss Says Public Today “Much More Aware” of Need to Work With Fiduciary

    Exclusive Interview: Skip Schweiss Says Public Today “Much More Aware” of Need to Work With Fiduciary

“Surveys show about half of investors don’t know how much they’re paying for advice, and about one in six think they pay nothing.”

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Exclusive Interview: Harold Evensky says DOL Fiduciary Opened “Good” Pandora’s Box

    Exclusive Interview: Harold Evensky says DOL Fiduciary Opened “Good” Pandora’s Box

“…the best efforts of those focused on product, not investors, are ultimately doomed to failure.”

0 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 3/2/18 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 3/2/18

The Undiscovered Fiduciary, SEC goes on safari, and barber investing.

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Exclusive Interview: Barbara Roper Says Mere Disclosure Inadequate for Fiduciary Advice

    Exclusive Interview: Barbara Roper Says Mere Disclosure Inadequate for Fiduciary Advice

For that to work, however, it’s not enough to change the titles brokers use – to make them call their sales representatives “salespeople” and call their services “sales recommendations” – you’d also have to completely change the way they market themselves so that their marketing messages are consistent with their regulatory status.

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Fiduciary Rule SNAFU: What Happened, What Happens Next, and Does It Really Matter?

    Fiduciary Rule SNAFU: What Happened, What Happens Next, and Does It Really Matter?

In the final analysis, we may get the best of both worlds, a reduced regulatory compliance burden with a market that imposes the fiduciary standard.

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New Fiduciary Rule: What the DOL Got Right, Came Close on, and Missed Entirely

    New Fiduciary Rule: What the DOL Got Right, Came Close on, and Missed Entirely

Any regulation that requires 10 pages of explanation for every page of regulation is bound to have something good, something not-quite-good-enough, and something not-so-good.

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Obama Fires Fiduciary Starter Pistol to Mixed Reviews

When a reputed home run hitter with such a pronounced track record of striking out wants to join your team, what do you do?

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Exclusive Interview with fi360’s Blaine Aikin: Competitive Forces Favor Fiduciary Standard

Investors who understand the fiduciary standard demand it, and practitioners who fail to embrace it will find themselves at an increasingly competitive disadvantage.

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Exclusive Interview with CFA’s Barbara Roper: Why a Fiduciary Standard Helps All Investors and 401k Plan Sponsors

America’s leading investor advocate explains why we need a fiduciary standard and why we should have never been having this debate in the first place!

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