Fiduciary News

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Tag "behavioral economics"

What Is The Best Way A Fiduciary Can Define Risk In A Way That Is Measurable, Meaningful, And Relevant?

    What Is The Best Way A Fiduciary Can Define Risk In A Way That Is Measurable, Meaningful, And Relevant?

For all the talk of risk in the academic world, it’s the real world that provides the best answer to what risk really is and how to avoid it. How do your thoughts on this compare with others?

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Retirement Plan Pros Speak Out on CARES Act From a Fiduciary Perspective

    Retirement Plan Pros Speak Out on CARES Act From a Fiduciary Perspective

This isn’t free money. It comes at a price. Many naïve folks might be salivating at the prospect of releasing these big bucks from the prison of their retirement plan… until they read the fine print.

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A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

    A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

A good fiduciary must keep a level head and know when emotions drive investors. After all, if they’re not careful, emotion will drive investors right off the cliff.

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The Shocking Truth of Supply and Demand in the Markets and the Retirement Saver’s Best Interest

    The Shocking Truth of Supply and Demand in the Markets and the Retirement Saver’s Best Interest

“Retirement savers must maintain long-term orientation regarding their assets. Supply and demand shock and generally easy to identify and often temporary in nature. These shocks often bring out the worst in decision making for investors. Astute investors will want to recognize this for what it’s worth: the opportunity to stand athwart the crowds in the market and purchase at cut-rate prices.”

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What Bagels, Loss Aversion, and Reframing the Company Match Can Show the 401k Fiduciary About How to Help Employees Save More Money for Retirement

    What Bagels, Loss Aversion, and Reframing the Company Match Can Show the 401k Fiduciary About How to Help Employees Save More Money for Retirement

If it is true the fear of loss motivates people more than the offer of a gain, then the traditional 401k company match framework is designed improperly. Currently, employees are promised a reward for contributing in their 401k plan. Think of this as the carrot urging people to save for their retirement. What if, instead of using a carrot, plan sponsors reframe the “match” in terms of a stick?

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Will Record Breaking Market be the Anchor that Sinks 401k Savers?

    Will Record Breaking Market be the Anchor that Sinks 401k Savers?

With a GOT-based strategy, expectations are predicated on needs, not the happenstance of the market. GOT-based portfolios may not have the record-breaking excitement of market indices, but it’s slow-and-steady-wins-the-race philosophy may lead to a more comfortable retirement.

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How the 401k Fiduciary Can Help Retirement Savers Make Better Decisions (Part I)

    How the 401k Fiduciary Can Help Retirement Savers Make Better Decisions (Part I)

“The want/should dichotomy addresses headed on the conflict between the instantaneous gratification derived from buying something today and the delayed gratification inherent in saving more for retirement.”

0 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/8/16 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/8/16

Fiduciary 24/7; Hidden Fees; and the Bleeding Begins…

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/9/15

    FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/9/15

The Camel’s Nose. the Faustian Fiduciary Bargain, and an Ode to the Annuity.

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/9/14

RetirementCare coming soon? Fee Policy Statement coming soon? Behavioral smacks MPT.

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