Plan sponsors need to think about it in these terms: Does it make sense to have a pork-belly ETF on a 401k investment menu? How about orange futures?
Tag "bitcoin"

It’s not a simple matter of flipping a switch and allowing cryptocurrencies in plans. Because these are alternative investments, the plan sponsor will need to learn enough about them to make an informed decision.

But is that a chance a fiduciary should take with someone else’s money? The answer is so obvious the question should not have to be asked.

Top-down retirement policy ideas, “What? I pay Fees?” and what we remember (and don’t) about market volatility

Changes, SEC as cavalry, and the revenge of the Alts. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/19/19
Retirement policy potpourri, New Jersey fiduciary, and the investment gamut.