Fiduciary News

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Tag "commission" Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/28/16 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/28/16

Public pension ugliness, the fiduciary fog, and a fee line in the sand.

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/30/15

    FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/30/15

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Six Months Later and It’s Now Clear the Current DOL Fiduciary Proposal Worsens Investor Protections

    Six Months Later and It’s Now Clear the Current DOL Fiduciary Proposal Worsens Investor Protections

Is the DOL about to give brokers everything they want?

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Exclusive Interview: David Huntley Explains Fees Just One Component of Value

“Price (fees) are a component of value. There are many other components that make up value and the relative weight will vary from plan to plan.”

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/1/13

Borzi’s rise, crying brokers & the coming Fiduciary battle

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Exclusive Interview with fi360’s Duane Thompson: Dual Registration’s Impact on the Fiduciary Standard

In many ways, the fallout of the Merrill Rule made this debate what it is today.

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Is There a 401k Fee War Brewing?

Why wait until now to bring up the three-month old blog? The bigger question, however, remains, “How should a 401k fiduciary analyze mutual fund fees?”

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5 Reasons Why a 401k Plan Fiduciary Should Reconsider Using ETFs

Sometimes something that appears too good to be true really is. Professionals have long known the potential pitfalls of ETFs. Only recently have these facts become more widely known. Don’t be surprised if, like a tube of toothpaste, squeezing one problem away only creates a bulge in a different problem.

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10 Questions the DOL Wants the ERISA Fiduciary to Ask About 401k Fees

The DOL admits, due to the number of variables involved, there’s no easy way to calculate the fees and expenses paid by your 401(k) plan. You might be surprised who the DOL suggests trying to find the answers to the following ten questions from.

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