Fiduciary News

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Tag "Conflict of Interest Rule"

Why Are We Seeing So Little Being Written About 401k Fees Now?

    Why Are We Seeing So Little Being Written About 401k Fees Now?

Today, the understanding of conflict-of-interest fees goes well beyond plan sponsors. Individual investors also understand how they can act as a better fiduciary for their own personal investments.

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Exclusive Interview: Phyllis Borzi says Original Fiduciary 5-Part Test Left Plan Sponsors “Holding the Bag”

    Exclusive Interview: Phyllis Borzi says Original Fiduciary 5-Part Test Left Plan Sponsors “Holding the Bag”

For 8 years as Assistant Secretary of EBSA, Phyllis Borzi fought vigorously to protect plan sponsors and retirement savers under the uniform fiduciary umbrella. Here, she answers questions about the past, present and future of the Fiduciary Rule.

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Fiduciary Standard Quandary: First Avoid “Harm”onization

    Fiduciary Standard Quandary: First Avoid “Harm”onization

Be careful what you wish for because sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease.

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Exclusive Interview: Barbara Roper Says Mere Disclosure Inadequate for Fiduciary Advice

    Exclusive Interview: Barbara Roper Says Mere Disclosure Inadequate for Fiduciary Advice

For that to work, however, it’s not enough to change the titles brokers use – to make them call their sales representatives “salespeople” and call their services “sales recommendations” – you’d also have to completely change the way they market themselves so that their marketing messages are consistent with their regulatory status.

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What’s the Immediate Impact of the DOL Fiduciary Rule on 401k Plan Sponsors?

    What’s the Immediate Impact of the DOL Fiduciary Rule on 401k Plan Sponsors?

“Hopefully,” says Reese, “this past year gave employers a better understanding of what they need to look out for to act as fiduciaries for their plan participants.”

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Exclusive Interview with Phyllis C. Borzi: Independent “Business Decisions” May Lead Companies to Apply Fiduciary Standard Broadly

    Exclusive Interview with Phyllis C. Borzi: Independent “Business Decisions” May Lead Companies to Apply Fiduciary Standard Broadly

The DOL’s Assistant Secretary reveals how she and her staffed learned from initial attempts and why it led to a much stronger Conflict-of-Interest Rule.

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Exclusive Interview with Knut Rostad: DOL’s Fiduciary Rule Grandfather Clause Does Not Protect Investors

    Exclusive Interview with Knut Rostad: DOL’s Fiduciary Rule Grandfather Clause Does Not Protect Investors

He says it doesn’t pass the basic smell test, and that’s just warming up…

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Exclusive Interview: AARP’s David Certner says of DOL’s Proposed Fiduciary Rule: “Disclosure Alone Not Enough”

What can be done when surveys show the public already believes all investment service providers always act in their best interests?

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Exclusive Interview: PSCA Chair Stephen W. McCaffrey Sees Challenges in Legislative Attempts “to ‘Fix’ an Un-Broken System”

What currently much discussed 401k “need” was successfully fought by the PSCA in the 1950s?

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