Fiduciary News

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Tag "Department of Labor"

9 Free On-Line DOL Resources for 401k Plan Sponsors

Where’s the best place for the 401k plan sponsor to go for free help on their fiduciary duties and responsibilities?

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DOL Releases New Investment Advice Rule: More (or Less?) Trouble for the 401k Fiduciary

The question now on the mind of every 401k fiduciary: Will the DOL’s new rule increase my personal fiduciary liability?

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Readers Select Top Fiduciary Stories of 2009: #6 The Department of Labor’s Abrupt Shift on 401k Advice

Many feel the DOL rightly reversed earlier rules that allowed for too many potential conflicts-of-interest. But, will any new DOL guidelines only encourage a “cookie-cutter” approach, doing the investor more harm than good?

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Readers Select Top Fiduciary Stories of 2009: #7 The SEC’s Statement on 12b-1 fees

SEC’s Mary Shapiro: “When it comes to 12b-1 fees, there is a need for more fundamental change than mere disclosure reforms and a name change.” FiduciaryNews’ exploration of this hot potato reveals a surprising misconception.

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BrightScope Talks About Its New 401k Fee Product.

A typical 401k plan fiduciary has no doubt read about this new product. Fiduciary News goes deeper to reveal answers to some of the more critical questions the astute fiduciary might have about BrightScope’s Personal Fee Report.

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Readers Select Top Fiduciary Stories of 2009: #8 The Fall of Target Date Funds

2009 exposed a much deeper problem with Target Date Funds. Pitched as the be-all-and-end-all to 401k investors, these funds fell flat on their collective face as 2008’s down market exposed them as more sizzle than steak. Washington might help, but a knee-jerk reaction to 2008 is not a good solution at all.

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Top Fiduciary Stories in 2009

The topsy-turvy 2009 provided some of the biggest fiduciary stories in years. Which do you think rates as the most important?

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10 Questions the DOL Wants the ERISA Fiduciary to Ask About 401k Fees

The DOL admits, due to the number of variables involved, there’s no easy way to calculate the fees and expenses paid by your 401(k) plan. You might be surprised who the DOL suggests trying to find the answers to the following ten questions from.

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3 Pointed Questions Determine If New DOL Decision on the 401k Investment-Advice Rule Increases Your Fiduciary Liability

Worried while Washington fiddles? These three vital questions might just help you determine if today’s DOL ruling will increase your personal fiduciary liability.

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