Any regulation that requires 10 pages of explanation for every page of regulation is bound to have something good, something not-quite-good-enough, and something not-so-good.
Tag "DOL"
Fiduciary 24/7; Hidden Fees; and the Bleeding Begins…
Without conflict-of-interest fees like 12b-1 fees and revenue sharing, the world becomes a lot simpler for 401k plan sponsors and a lot safer for plan participants.
Government fixin’s, Fiduciary High Noon, and Investment “Jack-in-the-Box.”
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Fiduciary dog fight, the final say on fees, and there’s no free investing lunch.
DC dissing retirement savers, can annuities survive Fiduciary Rule, and fee scrutiny changing 401k world,
Time constraints, compliance complexity, and costs impede the creation of 401k plans in smaller businesses.
Real retirement plan solutions, a fiduciary user’s manual, and sage investment advice returns.
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Government Resources
- DOL: elaws – ERISA Fiduciary Advisor
- DOL: Fiduciary Education Campaign: Getting It Right – Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities
- DOL: Getting Ready for Changes In Filing Your Plan’s Annual Return/Report Form 5500
- DOL: Meeting Your Fiduciary Responsibilities
- DOL: Reporting and Disclosure Guide for Employee Benefit Plans
- DOL: Selecting An Auditor For Your Employee Benefit Plan
- DOL: Selecting And Monitoring Pension Consultants
- DOL: Tips For Selecting And Monitoring Service Providers For Your Employee Benefit Plan
- DOL: Understanding Retirement Plan Fees And Expenses
- DOL: What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/15/16
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