It might surprise you to discover the industry’s loudest complaints against the fiduciary standard might also be the strongest arguments for the fiduciary standard.
Tag "DOL"
On the one hand SEC Chairman Shapiro wants to “put the client first.” On the other hand, she delays addressing a conflict of interest research has shown to hurt investors. Is there a method to this madness?
Several early reports suggested the DOL appeared ready to compromise their fiduciary principles by harmonizing with other agencies. The transcript reveals a surprising reality.
For all the public comments offered at the DOL’s Public Hearing on the definition of the Definition of Fiduciary, perhaps the most important statement was the one offered by Assistant Secretary to open the hearings.
A day in the life of a fiduciary, from a foreboding dawn, to the doom of high noon, to the sun setting on an old friend, to the restless night. What a week it’s been.
Just as the problems with Target Date Funds go mainstream, the GAO asks the DOL to look into disclosure rules that could torpedo annuities in 401k plans. Oh, and the House calls the SEC’s bluff.
You’d trust someone who had your interests at heart. Would you give your trust to someone who didn’t? How can you tell if someone places your interests first?
Should the ideal 401k fiduciary face the problem head on or ignore it? What if there’s an easy alternative that’s already been proven to be better?
Whether you’re a plan sponsor of a defined contribution plan like a 401k or a defined benefit plan, this past week contained news you could use – or at least have on your radar.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/8/11
For all the talk of the new definition of fiduciary and the fiduciary standard, an old favorite topic returned to trending this past week. Can you guess what it is? Here’s a hint: It impacts nearly every 401k and IRA investor.